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SOLD 'Heathland Dusk'
Set 1 of 1 - 12 Studies | Wax Pastel on Paper
'Out on Arne'
'Scotland Farm'
SOLD 'On the Way'
'By Godlington Heath'
'Silver Birches and Hay Store'
SOLD 'Arne Twilight'
'Chopped Logs'
'Morning at Harman's'
SOLD 'The Crow at Knoll'
SOLD 'Downshay Barn'
SOLD 'Tuesday's Down'
SOLD 'Rain on covered path'
SOLD 'Castle and morning frost'
SOLD. 'Clouds at Ballard'
'Masters Old Farm'
SOLD 'Mist over memory'
SOLD 'Those grasses'
SOLD 'Spring Down'
SOLD 'The Steep Way'